Most people live in cities and we often hear people saying that “living in the middle of nowhere” is boring. I want to share the admirable aspects of living outside the population center.

A lot of space and nature everywhere

When you step outside your house, you will have right in front of you a place to enjoy your time and relax. Going to the forest and nature is relaxing and healing and it reduces stress.  

You won’t have neighbors complaining about noise so you can be as loud as you want whenever you want. When you have space, you can get many pets, even big ones. You could also build a playfield for hobbies in your backyard.  

no traffic on road in summer
Road with no traffic in Lapland

Peace and NO crowded places

You can sleep in your backyard if you feel like it because the sounds of the city are not bothering you. You wouldn’t be disturbed by crimes either as there is less population which means there is also less criminality.

There is no traffic or too many people in the store at the same time. You can usually get health care and other appointments on a faster schedule than in bigger cities.

For some people crowds cause anxiety, and therefore peaceful public spaces may sometimes be a better option for them.

colorful birch trees in autumn
Ruska colors in “the middle of nowhere” in Lapland

Smaller schools

Schools and teaching groups are smaller which allows teachers and students to know each other better. In smaller schools, it is often possible to give and receive more individualized teaching which has many benefits.

student in class with teacher
Individualized teaching

Sense of community

A small village and its people often create a sense of community and security. When “everyone knows everyone” it’s easier for people to help those who need help. Doing things together, e.g., organizing events, creates a sense of belonging which is important for human beings. 


Which one do you prefer, living in a smaller or a bigger town? Or would you like to try living “in the middle of nowhere”? I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic in the comments.

One Comment

  1. Good job!
    The links should open on a new tab so that the reader is not thrown out of the post.

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