Active Arctic -hankkeen tunnus

– Digital environments and solutions supporting the well-being and business of sparsely populated areas

Lapland is facing a major change in digitalization, led by the policies of the European Union’s political leadership in terms of digital skills, competences, infrastructure and accessibility of services. In addition to know-how, capacity and usability, as well as investment, the digital revolution in business and public services requires a new kind of networking and coordination of services. A combination of digital and physical functions.

In the Active Arctic -project the well-being services in a sparely populated area are improved. In the project technology is utilized in production, dissemination and accessibility of services. Digital Innovation Hubs’ (DIH) role is defined and tested in this. The project supports the cooperation of service providers and technology developers in Lapland. And also produces new types of business models for the provision of services.

Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) provide collaboration models and opportunities for regional, thematic, commercial and public services, combining knowledge, learning, investment and collaboration behind and in support of digital cuts.

The EU programming period 2021–2027 will bring new instruments and the opportunity to create new know-how and promote the introduction of newer digital applications and opportunities in Lapland. Digitalization and its take-up require significant new know-how and its transfer. The Active Arctic project will enable the promotion and application of both in different industries and will have the opportunity to generate information and thus support Lapland’s “ecosystems” extensively with their digital transition.


The DIH handbook compiles the key outcomes of the project. Learn more about the project’s pilots and the DIH ecosystem.




Lapland University of Applied Sciences (coordinator) and University of Lapland

Budget and funding:

The total budget of the project is 499 975 €. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund / Regional Council of Lapland. Total EU and State funding 399 979 €.

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