Minna Nousiainen (M. Soc. Sc.) University of Lapland, is a university teacher and a PhD candidate in Tourism Research. Her academic interests lie in nature-based tourism, outdoor recreation and in relational understanding of human-nature relations with an emphasis on proximities in tourism and everyday environments. In her PhD she explores everyone’s rights (the Nordic tradition of freedom to roam) in the era of environmental crisis. In addition to the ILA-research group, she is also part of the Sustainable Naturecultures and Multispecies Futures research community.
In her spare time she likes to spend time outdoors xc skiing, biking or walking in the forest or just enjoying the river flow. And her world wouldn’t be the same without music.
Contact: minna.nousiainen(at)ulapland.fi
Minna Nousiainen — University of Lapland Research Portal (ulapland.fi)