ILA research group
Intra-living in the Anthropocene (ILA) research group explores proximity as a caring and ecologically sound way of knowing and doing research. We search for alternative narratives to powerful human-centric and capitalocentric economies that rely on business-oriented thinking and the imperative of growth that significantly impacts the state of the Earth.

In a situation where human-induced carbon emissions need to be radically cut and species mass extinction slowed down, it is crucial to envision novel ways of thinking, studying and practicing economic activities, including tourism. Focusing merely on the wellbeing of human hosts and guests is no longer enough but there is a new task at hand: co-living with and taking care of the Earth and more-than-human others.
Our group takes proximity as an ethicopolitical provocation to re-think multispecies relations and how to research them in the age of the Anthropocene. We use feminist theories and methodological innovations to know and live with and learn from earthly creatures.
ILA research group is a group and academic family of multidisciplinary scholars from the University of Lapland, Finland. You can read more about us on the Team page and visit the Network page to learn about our connections and collaboration with the international research community. Our ongoing research project, Multispecies Hospitality (MESH) is funded by Academy of Finland between 2023-2028 (Profi7). The project aims at enhancing curiosity and attentiveness to diverse ways of being and knowing in Arctic tourism settings – and beyond. You can find more information on our research projects on the Projects page.
Let’s stay in touch!