Measuring Points 360 Interactive Virtual Experience 

Aug 30, 2021 | 360 Photos, Communication

by Jari Penttinen, Lapland University of Applied Sciences


The goal of 360 photo and interactive experience is to present the measuring points of the Struve Arc in virtual 3D format. The experience utilizes VR goggles. In a VR environment, the end-user can experience the measuring points as he or she was present and can freely look around.  The measuring locations are implemented as they appear now – in the present-day landscape.  At selected points, the end-user can also interact with nature and objects. Pick up items, climb the path to the top and engage in various activities.

During the content development, the 360 photos are combined with interactive 3D graphics. The 360 virtual environments have been tested with users of various sizes from a tall adult to a young child to ensure that all users can use and navigate the virtual environment easily. The music of the era is an important element to take end-user to the time period of the measurements.

The first version of the 360 Virtual Reality Experience will be made available to the public during the summer of 2021. The first version will contain some of the measuring points. The next step will be to expand the content and offer more interactive elements and information about the Arc for end-users – in a usable, visually pleasing and informative way. Different language versions should also be considered and implemented as the visitors can from many different nationalities.



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