
Update your Newsletter order

Update your Newsletter order

We are automating the newsletters to keep you better updated on what is going on. Please subscribe to our forthcoming Newsletters HERE.
We are also beginning to post in different languages, however, project updates are mostly in English. After validating Struve Geodetic Arc related stories, we can finally serve you also in Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and Northern Sami. Thank you for your patience!

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Struve – join the Business Journey challenge

Struve – join the Business Journey challenge

Here in Northern parts of Finland, Sweden and Norway, we have many places which helped people to define the exact size and shape of the Earth in past. 11 of them are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites! Still, there is only a limited number of cultural events, services and products related to Struve Geodetic Arc, and as lovely as the existing ones are, we believe there is potential for more. Do you agree? Spring 2021 will open up a chance to learn more about Struve Geodetic Arc, tourism development and networks working around this unique cultural heritage theme.

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3D modeling of Alatornio church

3D modeling of Alatornio church

The goal of Alatornio church modelling project is to produce a virtual reality scenario where the user will be able to experience how it was to measure landscape in the historical 1800 century environment. With the project we can raise awareness of the Struve Geodetic Arc excursion and how scientists and other people who joined the journey managed to do it all so many years ago.

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