Product card
In this lesson, you will
- learn about the different uses of a product card
- learn tips for writing a product card
- see how they are used in practice
- start writing a product card of your tourism product.
For inspiration and ideas, study how product cards have been used by tourism companies.
In English:
1. Sample product card Tourism ABC – Spring Walk
2. (route descriptions)
- When searching for the routes, the customer also gets to see the companies and services nearby.
- The companies can add links to the routes on their own websites.
3. A Visit Organization’s website
4. Airbnb experiences
5. Metsähallitus: Self-guided Tours of Finland’s Natural Attractions.
Product cards in Finnish:
6. Kauppila, A., Sammalkangas, J., Kestilä, S. & Tekoniemi-Selkälä, T. 2021. Porotilamatkailun uudet tuulet. Lapin ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja Sarja D, 1/2021.
7. Makumatkat Savossa 2021. .
8. Paralympiakomitea 2019. Tuotekortit yrittäjille. Luontoa kaikille – hanke.
TASK – Fill in the external Product card (a pdf file) and save it for yourself. In some fields, there are instructions that you need to delete first.
Notice that your company’s external product cards are marketing material that should use the same visual elements as the company website: logos, fonts and colours. The product card should also include photographs on the tourism product. Show details from activities and nature, happy people in activities, impressive landscapes. If the product card includes several photos, they should all tell the same story.
The product card is adapted from Tourism ABC Product Card Template.
Sources and further reading
Ellare 2021. Reittien kehittämiswebinaarisarja – syksy 2021. .
EUROPARC Consulting GmbH 2012. Practical, Profitable, Protected. A Starter Guide to Developing Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas.
Maiseman arvo 2020. Kestävä maisematuote.
Metsähallitus 2022. Self-guided Tours of Finland’s Natural Attractions.
Sammallahti, T. 2009. Konseptisuunnittelun supersankari. Helsinki: Books on Demand.
Visit Finland 2019. My Stay ABC. (example product card analysed)
Visit Finland 2020. Visit Finland DataHub. Finland’s Travel Data All in One Database.
Visit Finland 2020. Outdoor Activity Product Recommendations.