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Handling of eRPL applications

< Takaisin

In eRPL, a student can apply for credit transfer in several ways:

  • Replacing one course with one previously completed course
  • Replacing one course with multiple previously completed courses
  • Replacing multiple courses with one course
  • Replacing study modules with other study modules or courses
  • Replacing studies with skills
  • Partial credit transfer can also be done

Before an eRPL application reaches the teacher or Head of Study Affairs, it is pre-checked by the faculty or language center’s eRPL handler. The pre-check ensures that the application is correctly filled out and the student has attached the necessary documents.

A decision on the credit transfer must generally be made within a month of submitting the application with the appropriate attachments. For applications submitted in June-July, the decision is generally made by the end of August.


Selecting the Application

You can access the application in Peppi from the Teacher’s desktop: Assesment -> eRPL -> eRPL processing. When you open the credit transfer application handling window, you can see all the applications under your review and their status on different tabs. Preliminary RPL applications are not in use. Start processing by selecting Functions -> Handle.

From the Functions menu, you can see all the applications made and currently being processed by the student under the “Show all applications” section.

Handling the Application

Check the basic information of the student’s study rights. If necessary, you can add attachments to the application. You can also review the student’s previous applications. Under the basic information of the study rights, you will see the name of the place of performance. In the place of performance section, you can review the information added by the student about the place of performance and the attachments to the application. Open the attachment and check the corresponding information for handling the application.

In the ‘Courses from the education’ section, you can see which studies the student is applying for credit transfer with the attached document.


Under the “Courses and Decisions” heading, you will find all the credit transfers applied for by the student. At the top of each application part, you will see the type of application (substitution, inclusion, exemption) and the current handler of the application. Check the details of the previously completed study or competence. Previously completed studies may include multiple courses, study modules, or competences as the basis for substitution. If the basis for substitution is a study module, it is distinguished by a gray title bar. The child studies added to the study module, i.e., the courses included in the study module, are shown at the end of the study module. The student can apply for substitution for one or more courses or study modules. In the “Studies for which credit transfer is sought” section, you will see the study/studies the student is applying to substitute.

The faculty’s eRPL handler has checked the application details before transferring it to the teacher/responsible person. However, if you notice any corrections needed in the application details, you can return the application to the eRPL handler or the student for completion. You can change the handler on the Handling Chain/Transfer to Another tab or the Return tab by selecting Return to the previous handler (if the correct person’s details are here) or return to the student. Write a message to the handler/student and click Save.

When the application details are correct and the learning objectives of the previously completed study/competence meet the credit transfer criteria, start the handling by moving to the Process tab. Make a decision on the application by selecting “Proceed to decision.” Choose the decision from the menu. Write a message to the student and add the credits, evaluation, and registrar. Note! For Swedish, you cannot select TT/HT from the menu. Choose approved and mark the grade in the Message to the registrar field. The registrar is the faculty’s eRPL handler who pre-checked the application. They record the credit transfer in the register based on the decision. Click Save and add appropriate keywords during the decision-making process. Based on the keywords, students and handlers can search for credit transfer information from the credit transfer bank. You can search for keywords from the list that opens through the search. Each decision must have at least one keyword. The selected keyword appears in black, e.g., Media Education. Previously used keywords appear in light gray, and you can activate a keyword by clicking on it. Finally, select “Save keywords and decision.”

Note: A course can also be partially substituted. In this case, during the decision-making phase, the credit amount of the course is adjusted to match the substituted extent. If it is a partial credit transfer, an agreement is made in the Agreement Bank for the supplementary performance. The agreement records:

  • Description of the agreement, i.e., what the student needs to do as a supplementary performance
  • Deadline for the supplementary performance
  • Other teachers involved (if different from the decision-maker)
  • Instructions for the student to contact the teacher when completing the supplementary performance
    Create the agreement on the Agreements tab before making the decision. Record the required information in the agreement and save it.

You can access the agreement information via a link or from the Students menu -> Agreement Bank. Once the agreement is made, select “Partially approved (see note)” from the decision options. Write the partial substitution information in the Message for student field. The agreement specifies the detailed information. Mark the partial substitution information in the Message to the registrar field. The registrar is the faculty’s eRPL handler who pre-checked the application. The credit transfer is registered in the study register only after the student has completed the supplementary performance specified in the agreement. When the student is completing the supplementary performance, they must contact the teacher. The teacher does not record the performance in Peppi but informs the faculty’s study office via email, stating that the performance is a supplement to the partial substitution. The email should include the credit amount of the approved part and the supplementary performance.

Supporting the Application Before Decision-Making

An application can also be supported before making a decision. This can be useful, for example, if another teacher’s opinion is needed before making a decision. Support can be given to the application if the Handle tab has not been directly moved to decision-making. In this case, the supporter must select the correct option from the Actions menu and add the decision-maker. Write a message to the decision-maker and click Save. The handling then moves to the decision-maker. If the application handling requires support before making a decision, the faculty’s eRPL handler sets a handling chain on the Handling Chain/Transfer to Another tab. Thanks to the handling chain, other handlers do not need to separately select the decision-maker or registrar for the application, as the information is automatically included in the handling chain.

Inclusion (Only for Head of Study Affairs)

Under the “Courses and Decisions” heading, you will find all the credit transfers applied for by the student. At the top of each application part, you will see the type of application (substitution, inclusion, exemption) and the current handler of the application. Check the details of the previously completed study or competence. On the inclusion application, you will see where on the ePSP the student wants to place the study. The faculty’s eRPL handler has checked the application details before transferring it to the teacher/responsible person. However, if you notice any corrections needed in the application details, you can return the application to the eRPL handler. You can change the handler on the Handling Chain/Transfer to Another tab or the Return tab by selecting Return to the previous handler (if the correct person’s details are here). The faculty handler may request additional information or corrections to the application from the student if necessary. Write a message to the handler and click Save.

When the application details are correct and the learning objectives of the previously completed study/competence meet the credit transfer criteria, start the handling by moving to the Process tab. Make a decision on the application by selecting “Proceed to decision.” Choose the decision from the menu. Write a message to the student and add the credits, evaluation, and registrar. Choose approved and mark the grade in the Message to the registrar field. The registrar is the faculty’s eRPL handler who pre-checked the application. They record the credit transfer in the register based on the decision. Click Save and add appropriate keywords during the decision-making process. Based on the keywords, students and handlers can search for credit transfer information from the credit transfer bank. You can search for keywords from the list that opens through the search. Each decision must have at least one keyword. The selected keyword appears in black, e.g., Media Education. Previously used keywords appear in light gray, and you can activate a keyword by clicking on it. Finally, select “Save keywords and decision.”


Under the “Courses and Decisions” heading, you will find all the credit transfers applied for by the student. At the top of each application part, you will see the type of application (substitution, inclusion, exemption) and the current handler of the application. The faculty’s eRPL handler has checked the application details before transferring it to the teacher/responsible person. However, if you notice any corrections needed in the application details, you can return the application to the eRPL handler. You can change the handler on the Handling Chain/Transfer to Another tab or the Return tab by selecting Return to the previous handler (if the correct person’s details are here). The faculty handler may request additional information or corrections to the application from the student if necessary. Write a message to the handler and click Save.

When the application details are in order, the head of study affairs proceeds to make a recommendation on the “Process” tab. Note! A recommendation can be made for the application if the “Process” tab has not been directly moved to the decision-making stage. The faculty’s RPL handler has set a processing chain for the application on the “Processing chain / transfer to another” tab. Thanks to the processing chain, other handlers do not need to separately select the decision-maker or recorder for the application, as the information automatically comes from the processing chain for recommendation and decision-making.

The head of study affairs makes the recommendation by selecting either “Recommend for full approval” or “Recommend rejection” from the “Action” menu and writes the reasons in the “Message to the decision-maker” field. The decision-maker is always the faculty dean.

The dean makes the decision on the application on the “Process” tab. Select the decision from the menu and write a message to the student. The registrar is the faculty’s eRPL handler who has pre-checked the application. They register the exemption in the register based on the decision. Press Save and add appropriate keywords during the decision-making process. Based on the keywords, students and handlers can search for the information of the approved exemptions from the exemption bank. Add from the exemption bank. You can search for keywords from the list that opens through the search. Each decision must have at least one keyword. The selected keyword for the decision appears in black, e.g., Media Education. Previously used keywords appear in light gray, and you can activate the keyword by clicking on it. Finally, select “Save keywords and decision.”