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Updating personal details

< Takaisin

Profile and personal details

  • Each student has a profile
  • You can find your profile by selecting your name at the top right corner
  • Edit your information by selecting “Profile“


You can choose the role (study right) you want to view by selecting the study right you wish to examine from the menu that opens from the top right corner.

Viewing study data

Through your profile, you can view information related to your study rights. However, the student does not have the authority to modify this information.

Personal details

You can view your personal information from the Personal details section. Students have limited rights to update their information. By selecting ”Edit personal details”, you have the option to change the contact language.

Contact information

You can update your contact information by selecting ”Edit contact information”. In the window that opens, you will see which information you can modify.

Data distributions

You can update your data permissions by selecting ”Edit data permissions”.


In the settings, you can define the language for Peppi (user interface language). If you want the user interface language to always be in English, make sure to save your desired language in the settings. From the settings, you can set or change your profile picture by selecting ”Change the picture”.