Location Alatornio, Tornio, Lappi, Finland Coordinates Lat. 65° 49' 48" NLon. 24° 09' 26" E Address: Kirkonmäentie 85 , 95450 Tornio.Height of tower 40 metres above sea level. Status Unesco World Heritage List, Site No. 11Measurement point of the Struve Geodetic Arc...

World Heritage Site
Aavasaksa, Finland
Location Aavasaksa, Ylitornio, Lappi, Finland Coordinates Lat. 66° 23' 52" NLon. 23° 43' 31" EHeight ~242 m Status Unesco World Heritage List, Site No. 10 Measurement point of the Struve Geodetic Arc No. 31 Main station pointMap of the area Sightlines to Pullinki,...
Stuorrahanoaivi, Finland
Location Stuorrahanoaivi. Enontekiö, Lappi, Finland Coordinates Lat. 68° 40' 57" N Lon. 22° 44' 45" E Height ~600 m Status Unesco World Heritage List, Site No. 9 Measurement point of the Struve Geodetic Arc No. 16 Main station point Astronomical station point Map of...
Perävaara, Sweden
Location Perävaara. Haparanda, Norrbotten, Sweden Coordinates Lat. 66º 01' 05'' NLon. 23º 55' 21'' EHeight 89 m Status Unesco World Heritage List, Site No. 8 Measurement point of the Struve Geodetic Arc No. 34 Main station pointMap of the area Sightlines to Huitaperi,...
Pullinki, Sweden
Location Pullinki. Övertorneå, Norrbotten, Sweden Coordinates Lat. 66° 38' 47'' NLon. 23° 46' 55'' EHeight 335 m Status Unesco World Heritage List, Site No. 7 Measurement point of the Struve Geodetic Arc No. 30 Main station pointMap of the area Sightlines to...
Jupukka, Sweden
Location Jupukka. Pajala, Norrbotten, Sweden Coordinates Lat. 67° 16' 36'' N Lon. 23° 14' 35'' E Height 277 m Status Unesco World Heritage List, Site No. 6 Measurement point of the Struve Geodetic Arc No. 24 Main station point Map of the area Sightlines to...