Tag: kansainvälisyys

Post-it pads.

Service Design and Systems Thinking in Developing Solutions for a Sustainable Future – A Case Study with Master’s Degree Students

A novel method – Planet-Centric Design – combines service design with systems thinking. The Idea is to increase master degree students’ awareness of sustainability in the design of new services and business concepts. Based on the student feedback, the implementation of the course was successful.

BUMP logo.

Culture Bumb to make students feel home in Lapland

International students often do not seem to be given the chance to actually get acquainted with local Finnish people, as they instead opt to interact and experience local sights with other non-native students in the end. The Culture Bump initiative is to make planners and participants from different countries and cultures interact with one another.

Erasmus goes green logo.

Erasmus goes green

Erasmus Goes Green -project finda solutions to reduce the transport-related carbon footprint of higher education students and staff taking part in Erasmus mobility. When it comes to Finland, Lapland and carbon footprint, we cannot change our remote geographical location in Europe. What we can do, however, is to provide exchange students a country with a well working public transportation system.

African children smile.

‘Health Africa Exchange Can Hit You Like a Sack of Bricks’

Health Africa Network comprises of eight Universities of Applied Sciences in the fields of Health Care, Social Work and Nutrition in Finland and two partner universities in Kenya and Uganda. Each year International Services of Lapland UAS provides exchange opportunities for students and staff of health care and social services.

Teema-artikkelin tunnus, jossa kirjoittajien nimet ja puun varjo itkumuurilla.

Kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä yhteisöllisyyteen ulkomailla opiskellessa ja työskennellessä

Sosiaalinen pääoma voi olla joko sisään- tai ulospäin suuntautuvaa. Kansainväliset opiskelijayhteisöt edesauttavat ulospäin suuntautuvan sosiaalisen pääoman syntymistä. Suvi Järvensivulla on kokemusta myös vapaaehtoistyöstä Israelissa, mikä oli myös hyvä tapa päästä osaksi kansainvälistä yhteisöä.

Theme article logo, the writer's name and EU flag.

External EU Funding – a tool for strengthening regional and institutional development

At the moment one will find more than fifty different EU Funding programmes. With built EU project management competence among regional actors in Lapland, it is expected that in the future there will be better understanding about EU external funding and how organisations can apply for it.

Advancing education in Germany and Finland for better employability in 21st century

The future is about more innovative partnerships to help our students to advance and succeed in the future worklife. Isolation of single universities in a world of complex learning systems will seriously limit potential and talents of students.

Step2Job tukemassa koulutettujen maahanmuuttajien tietä työelämään

Korkeakouluopiskelulla on iso merkitys maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiselle, työllistymiselle ja ural­la etenemiselle: kouluttautuminen edesauttaa kiinnittymään yhteiskun­taan ja Lapin alueelle, ammattitaito ja asema työmarkkinoilla paranevat sekä verkostot ja työelämäyhteydet laajenevat. Maahanmuuttajan osaaminen voidaan tunnistaa ja ohjata häntä sopivaan koulutukseen.

Education defines the future of cross-border cooperation in Europe Arctic

There is a need to increase CBC competence among young graduates and education is the key factor that defines the success of CBC cooperation in the future in Barents and circumpolar Arctic region. In years to come we will witness the role of young people and university graduates in overall regional development activities. Collaboration in between Lapland UAS and Kolarctic CBC programme representatives is mutually beneficial.

Sustainable personal growth in the Northern business milieu

The business environment in the High North and in other parts of the world is changing due to digitalization, financial and political developments, green economy and globalization. This calls for holistic business understanding, critical thinking, communication, problem solving, scenario writing and ability to work in international context.

Preparing graduates for global jobs – lessons from annual EAIE Conference

Regardless current world politics and fragmentation, intercultural skills are as important as ever. Internationalization has become a strategy line almost in all university strategies and policies. However, it is still a long road ahead to improve and increase intercultural fluency and make it as an integral part of ecosystem of all universities.