Tag: koulutus

Pieni lapsi selin kameraan katsoo porolaumaa.

Poronhoitajan osaaminen ja hyvinvointi kehittämisen kohteena

Poronhoito on vanhin edelleen elinvoimaisista pohjoisen elinkeinoista. Poronhoitotyön osaamiseen kuuluu paljon hiljaista tietoa, jota opitaan, kun lapset kasvavat poronhoitotöissä ja vanhimmat osallistuvat töihin niin kauan kuin toimintakykyä riittää. Poronhoitajankin kohdalla kyse on kuitenkin ammatista, ja ammattitaitovaatimukset muuttuvat.

Students sitting in university hall.

International Project Management competence as a bridge to success

This article aims to look at how can global education is a part of teaching at Lapland UAS and how can its results be seen. It provides a case study of former International Project Management specialization study programme and current training within KATOS project aiming to increase EU funded project competence among relevant regional stakeholders.

Woman climing a ladder.

Developing cooperative entrepreneurship in international cooperation – An example of an international project case and its results

A shared coaching model and cooperatives boost entrepreneurship and reduce youth unemployment in the EU. In Lapland, the current availability of cooperative studies is low. Lapland UAS participated in the recently ended Cooperative Campus development project funded by Horizon Europe.

A drawing of a class room.

Internationalisation through joint collaboration

Knowledge sharing and acquisition forms the foundation for international collaboration during which knowhow is exchanged and new perspectives are gained. Lapland UAS has an established network of international partners and has been involved in various international activities to enhance its global reach and address the strategic issues concerning internationalisation.

Woman taking a selfie in the dark.

Developing cooperation between Lappish companies and international students while supporting the employment opportunities of international talents

Entrepreneurs and organisations can collaborate with International Business students in various ways. For example, they can provide students with thesis ideas and topics, offer practical training positions, and participate in different sorts of events and even lectures.

Bare feet on snow.

Internationalisation from within – International students strengthen the intercultural competence in local businesses

Tourism companies in Lapland are in many ways trailblazers for internationalisation, when it comes to marketing, serving customers and managing human resources internationally. In this article, we demonstrate how international students can concretely enrich the intercultural competence in local businesses.

Esa Jauhola.

International networking at the top of Europe

Today, networking between individuals and organizations more often takes place digitally. For small firms it is a good way to expand the partnerships and to find new customers. My wish is that also in future, Lapland UAS, together with partners, will look to the future and support cross-border projects and educational programmes where the young generation learns about the opportunities of the European Arctic.

African children smile.

‘Health Africa Exchange Can Hit You Like a Sack of Bricks’

Health Africa Network comprises of eight Universities of Applied Sciences in the fields of Health Care, Social Work and Nutrition in Finland and two partner universities in Kenya and Uganda. Each year International Services of Lapland UAS provides exchange opportunities for students and staff of health care and social services.

Computer assessories.

The roles of game- and graphic design in creating digital solutions for mining industry

Field practice is perhaps the most efficient way for practical learning, but even in practical fields, theory and know-how concepts are relevant part of the education. In the Migael-project we have tackled on this issue from both perspectives, by creating gamified practices for both hands-on-training and teaching theoretical concepts.

Poro syö heinää.

Eläinmatkailun vastuullisuus ja turvallisuus opintojen teemana

Suomessa tuotantoeläimillä pitää olla tietyt olosuhteet, jotka määritellään eläinsuojelulaissa. Laissa ei kuitenkaan ole suoraan matkailukäytössä olevia eläimiä koskevia määräyksiä, vaan käytännöt ovat tulkinnanvaraisia. Eläinten hyvinvointi on myös eettisesti tärkeää, ja lisäkoulutuksen avulla varmistamme, että eläinlähtöinen toimintamalli toteutuu matkailualalla Lapissa.

Kirjoittajien tiedot ja kuva naisesta kesäisessä metsässä.

Green Care -toiminta ja sosionomi (AMK) osaaminen asiakasturvallisuuden näkökulmasta

Asiakasturvallisuuden näkökulma sosionomin työssä on vielä verraten vähän käsitelty aihe puhumattakaan siitä, mitä se merkitsee Green Care -toiminnan yhteydessä. Suomen ja Lapin luonto, sosiaalialan asiakkaiden erilaiset tarpeet ja Green Care -menetelmien monimuotoisuus toivottavasti rohkaisevat sosionomeja menetelmien luovaan käyttöön omassa asiakastyössään.