Academic year enrolment

Students must enrol as attending or non-attending students every academic year in the manner specified by the university of applied sciences (932/2014, Sections 28, 29 and 32).

Enrolment periods:

  • For the whole academic year: begins on 15 April and ends on 31 August
  • For the spring semester only: begins on 15 November and ends on 31 December

Students continuing their studies must enrol for the next academic year or term in Peppi.

You can enrol for the academic year on the Student’s desktop by selecting Academic year enrolment from the My Studies menu.

In the view that opens, you can view your attendance information and enrol as an attending student.

Click to enlarge the image

Enrol as an attending student by selecting “Enroll”.

The student can change the enrollment information on the Student’s desktop in Peppi (except the first year students) during the enrollment period (15 April–31 August regarding the autumn and spring semester and 15 November–31 December regarding the spring semester).

If you have been admitted as a student in the spring of 2015 or thereafter, you can enrol yourself as a non-attending student for two terms. Your absence will not be subtracted from the duration of the right to study. Furthermore, non-attendance due to conscription, civil service, voluntary military service for women, and maternity, paternity or parental leave is possible at any stage of the studies and will not be subtracted from the duration of the right to study. In that case, you will have to submit to the university an official certificate concerning the reason for your absence.

Only students who have enrolled themselves as attending students can attend courses, take exams, complete practical training connected to studies or receive thesis guidance.

Students whose right to study time is running out and who are applying for an extension of the right to study: application is done in Peppi. Students who have received an extension for their right to study, may not enrol as non-attending students.

Students who fails to submit an attendance or non-attendance notice by the required deadline will lose their right to study. The register administrator may reinstate the student’s right to study based on an application (reinstatement of the right to study).


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