Notice of resignation

If you are considering to resign from Lapland University of Applied Sciences discuss the issue with your Study Counsellor.

The student will be deemed to have resigned from the date he/she has submitted the resignation form. The student receives by post a certificate of resignation and a transcript of records of the studies he/she has completed from the student services.

If your situation changes and you want to return to your studies, you have the option of applying for reinstatement of the right to study if you have remaining time left. Further information is available on the Lapland UAS website.

Your used ID will be valid for 14 days after your study right to study expires. The files and email will then be deleted according the service provider’s policies. Remember to save on time all the information and files you need.

You can make the application in Peppi. You will find the application below Applications menu. Selecting the application opens the instructions and a link to fill in the application.


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